This will depend on how readily you can generate the performance evidence that is required and whether you need to undertake any training to gain the required elements such as BS 7671:2018.
The EWA must be completed within 18 months. This means completion of the EWA qualification and submission of the gateway application to take the AM2E must be within this period. The AM2E assessment itself can be sat after this point, providing the gateway submission is made within the 18 months.
In reality most learners will take anywhere between 6 and 18 months. Most of the time spent will involve portfolio building and on-site assessment of your current work. You should ensure that the work you are undertaking will provide you with the breadth required before you enrol on the EWA.
If you don’t hold BS 7671 and either the Initial Verification unit (for the Installation Electrician EWA) or the full Inspection & Testing qualification (for the Domestic Electrician EWA), these are taught and assessed as if they were taken separately outside of the Experienced Worker Assessment.
The AM2E Assessment (Installation Electrician route) or AM2ED Assessment (Domestic Electrician route), which is separate to the Experienced Worker Qualification, is the industry assessment of competence which mirrors the end assessment in the industry apprenticeship. It is a practical assessment taken under controlled conditions in a NET-licensed centre. This can only be booked after the Experienced Worker qualification is achieved.